MCH Training and Research Alert A Monthly Alert from the Maternal & Child Health Training and Research Resource Center

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Community Health Worker Innovations and Tools

Biweekly Newsletter

The September 12 issue of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Healthcare Innovations Exchange focuses on Workforce Development and the Role of Community Health Workers. Innovations and quality tools include:

  • Added staff position to assist primary care teams
  • Development of scope of practice, state curriculum, certificate program, awareness strategies
  • Toolkit: helps rural communities develop a program
  • Training Manual: on heart disease and stroke
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Discussing Race, Racism and Public Health

How-To Guide

CityMatCH Conversations that Matter: A How-To Guide for Hosting Discussions about Race, Racism, and Public Health is a serves as a community-empowerment resource assisting public health professionals in initiating open and honest conversations about racism’s impacts.
It helps MCH leaders talk honestly about race and racism’s impact on the health of communities. Suggests proactive strategies to eliminate racism and promote community healing and health equity and gives specific suggestions for engaging in one-on-one dialogue, group conversations, or in-house conversations.
Also available in print:

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Nutrition in Children and Adolescents

MCH Library Knowledge Path

This is a selection of resources that present nutrition guidance and public promotion programs, inform policy and legislation, and report on research for improving nutrition and eating behaviors. Use this knowledge path to learn more about child and adolescent nutrition, improve care, develop programs, and locate training resources.

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Preventing Early Childhood Obesity in North Carolina

Fact Sheet

This fact sheet details how the Shape NC partnership joins grant funding and training resources with a vast network of community-based alliances. It highlights early data showing that participating communities and care centers are shaping up. NIHCM Foundation Promising Practices in Maternal and Child Health fact sheets like this recognize MCH programs or policies, promote program replication and new collaborations, and provide a way to share success stories.

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Healthier School Day

School Nutrition Resources

October 15-19 is National School Lunch Week and the Food and Nutrition Service of the USDA is featuring:

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Emergency Food Programs Nutrition

Nutrition Education Guide

WhyHunger’s National Hunger Clearinghouse collected and analyzed resources and case studies from organizations throughout the country about innovative nutrition education programs to create this guide. Geared towards emergency food providers, organizations working on nutritious food access for low-income people, the guide is useful for all organizations conducting nutrition education.

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Reducing Infant Mortality Webinar

October 16, 2012
1:00pm EDT

“CDC’s Public Health Grand Rounds,” a monthly webcast, will explore Public Health Approaches to Reducing US Infant Mortality. The infant mortality rate has been steadily declining in the US over the past several decades. Despite overall progress, racial disparities in persist and preventable deaths continue. Public health agencies, providers, ethnic groups must partner to further reduce the rate.

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MCH Epi Pre-Conference Trainings

December 11, 2012
San Antonio, TX

This year, AMCHP will offer 4 pre-conference training options:

  • Intermediate/Advanced Spatial Analysis Techniques for the Analysis of MCH Data
  • Quality Improvement
  • Scientific Writing
  • Leadership & Communication

Applications must be submitted no later than Friday, October 19.

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RWJF - Healthy Policy Fellows Program

November 7, 2012 (Reference letters)
November 14, 2012 (Applications)

The program provides the nation’s most comprehensive fellowship experience at the nexus of health science, policy and politics in Washington, DC. It is an opportunity for midcareer health professionals and behavioral and social scientists with an interest in health and health care policy. Up to 6 grants of up to $165,000 will be made in 2013, along with a stipend.

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RWJF - Executive Nurse Fellows

January 15, 2013

This 3-year advanced leadership program for nurses who aspire to lead and shape health care locally and nationally, offers fellows a way to strengthen and improve their leadership abilities related to improving health and health care. Up to 20 fellowships will be awarded for the 2013 cohort, with up to $35,000 over 3 years.

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NIH - Effects of In Utero Alcohol Exposure on Adult Health and Disease

Various Deadlines

These Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs), issued by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), are intended to support novel research on how prenatal alcohol exposure may contribute to the etiology of chronic diseases and health conditions later in life. Goals:

  • Leverage prospective birth cohorts to define maternal alcohol consumption role
  •  Investigate mechanisms by which prenatal alcohol exposure may impact disease outcomes
  •  Identify biomarkers to predict adult disease susceptibility in offspring

Studies supported by this FOA will provide fundamental insights into a possible fetal-basis to adult disease that is influenced by maternal alcohol use.

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