HRSA Funding Opportunities

HRSA Challenge Competition to Address Declining Vaccination Coverage and Well-Child Visits

Applications due: March 15, 2021

The P4 Challenge will award $1 million in prizes for innovative approaches to increase access to and utilization of well-child visits and/or immunizations services within primary care settings. Partnerships with state and local organizations are encouraged, and submissions must include a primary care provider who delivers health services to children. MCHB expects to select up to 50 Phase 1 winners and up to 20 Phase 2 winners. Sign up for the P4 Challenge listserv to get regular updates.

immunnizations competition child health

Early Childhood Comprehensive Systems: Health Integration Prenatal-to-Three Program

Applications due: March 15, 2021

The purpose of this program is to build integrated maternal and early childhood systems of care that are equitable, sustainable, comprehensive, and inclusive of the health system, that promote early developmental health and family well-being, and increase family-centered access to care and engagement of the population. The goals for the program are to:

  1. Increase state-level infrastructure to develop maternal and early childhood systems of care
  2. Increase coordination and alignment between MCH and other systems that impact young children and families
  3. Increase the capacity of health systems to deliver and connect families to services
  4. Identify and implement policy and financing strategies
  5. Increase state-level capacity to advance access to services

early childhood systems of care

MCH Workforce Development Center Program

Applications due: April 6, 2021

The purpose of the program is to strengthen the practicing and future MCH workforce by providing training and collaborative learning for State Title V leaders and staff. Training will focus on:

  1. Systems integration
  2. Change management and adaptive leadership
  3. Evidence-based decision making

Also in this notice is the opportunity to apply for additional funding to support Building Capacity to Advance Population Health Approaches for CYSHCN.


Emerging Issues in MCH

Applications due: April 9, 2021

The purpose of this program is to strengthen the capacities of state- and/or local-level organizations to respond to emerging public health issues affecting MCH populations. Recipients will implement a set of activities under at least 1 of 3 capacity-strengthening areas:

  • Data and Informational Systems
  • Workforce Development
  • Strategic Partnerships

Through this program, the HRSA MCHB aims to increase the ability of states and local communities to anticipate, prepare, and execute timely responses to emerging issues to reduce their negative impact on MCH populations.

emerging issues capacity-building

Vision Screening in Young Children Program

Applications due: April 12, 2021

The purpose of the program is to improve children’s vision and eye health through early detection, follow-up, treatment, and surveillance at the national, state, and community levels for children under 5 years of age, including traditionally underserved populations and those residing in medically underserved areas.

vision screening eye health early childhood

Autism Secondary Data Analysis Research (SDAR) Program

Applications due: April 12, 2021

This program supports applied MCH research that utilizes the secondary analysis of existing national databases and/or administrative records to determine the evidence-based practices for interventions to improve the physical and behavioral health of children and adolescents with ASD/DD. The goals and objectives are to:

  • Generate new evidence to address the needs of underserved ASD/DD populations
  • Contribute to a broad public health impact by improving patient engagement and care delivery
  • Develop and implement a plan to disseminate applied and/or translational research

autism developmental disabilities adolescents research

Autism Field-Initiated Innovative Research Studies (Autism-FIRST) Program

Applications due: April 15, 2021

The purpose of this program is to support empirical research that advances the evidence base on interventions designed to improve the health of children, adolescents, and young adults with ASD/DD across the lifespan. Because racial and ethnic disparities exist in the early screening and diagnosis of ASD/DD, the Autism-FIRST Program has a special focus on addressing the needs of underserved populations. The Autism-FIRST program’s goals and objectives are to:

  • Generate new evidence to address the needs of underserved ASD/DD populations
  • Contribute to the broad public health impact to improve health and service delivery
  • Conduct and disseminate findings from applied and/or translational research on critical and emerging ASD/DD issues

autism developmental disabilities early childhood adolescents young adults research

Bridging the Word Gap (BWG) Research Network

Applications due: April 22, 2021

The purpose of this program is to establish and maintain a national, multi-site, collaborative Research Network to develop, test, and promote effective interventions for supporting the enrichment of the early home learning environments of children from underserved families for whom there are limited interventions or existing interventions are ineffective. The BWG will:

  • Lead, promote, and coordinate national research activities to support the enrichment of early home learning environments
  • Coordinate a plan to enhance the research, training, and mentorship of diverse emerging MCH investigators
  • Expand the evidence base and disseminate study findings to key stakeholders

early childhood home learning interdisciplinary research


American Academy of PediatricsHRSA Disclaimer

Caring for CYSHCN During the COVID-19 PandemicHRSA Disclaimer

Resources and Guidance

CYSHCN are more likely to have disruption to health care, education, and community life as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic with consequences such as delayed development, reduced learning and mental health challenges. The COVID-19 clinical interim guidance provided by the American Academy of Pediatrics has been updated based on current evidence and information available. Guidance will be regularly reviewed with regards to the evolving nature of the pandemic and emerging evidence.


American Academy of PediatricsHRSA Disclaimer

Promoting Optimal Development: Identifying Infants and Young Children with DD through Developmental Surveillance and ScreeningHRSA Disclaimer

Journal Article

Early identification and intervention for DD are critical to the well-being of children and are the responsibility of pediatric professionals as an integral function of the medical home. This report models a universal system of developmental surveillance and screening for the early identification of conditions that affect children’s early and long-term development and achievement, followed by ongoing care.

developmental disabilities early childhood screening

Child TrendsHRSA Disclaimer

A National Agenda for Children’s Mental HealthHRSA Disclaimer

Report Brief

The social, emotional, and behavioral well-being of children and youth is a critical aspect of human development that lays the foundation for lifelong health and well-being. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, as many as 1 in 5 children had a diagnosed mental health disorder. While research on the pandemic’s effects on mental health is still in the early stages, current evidence shows a surge in anxiety and depression among children and adolescents since the pandemic began. This brief presents a national agenda for creating an effective system that promotes children’s mental health, both during the pandemic and beyond.

mental health pediatric health COVID-19

Child TrendsHRSA Disclaimer

Strategies to Virtually Support and Engage Families of Young Children during COVID-19 (and Beyond)HRSA Disclaimer

Report Brief

As preschools and schools continue to reopen, caregivers are quickly pivoting to using virtual platforms to support and engage families in children’s learning. This rapid transition has left little time to assess what we know about family engagement best practices within the virtual space. This brief offers an overview of 4 best practices and lessons learned from research and practice to assist caregivers and teachers with the transition to engaging families virtually during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.

early childhood family engagement COVID-19

Health Professions Accreditors CollaborativeHRSA Disclaimer

Interprofessional Education SurveyHRSA Disclaimer


The HPAC provides a forum for its 25 members to cooperate in areas of mutual interest to ensure that accreditors’ standards, policies, and procedures support and prepare graduates for contemporary practice as part of interprofessional teams. The interprofessional education survey results were published by the HPAC Planning Committee as a resource for institutions and programs to utilize when developing or revisiting their curricula.

interdisciplinary learning collaboration health care workforce community health

National Academy for State Health PolicyHRSA Disclaimer

Resources for States to Address Health Equity and DisparitiesHRSA Disclaimer


Many states are transforming their health care delivery systems to improve health and control costs. Reducing health disparities and addressing their social and economic causes is at the heart of these efforts. By increasing health equity, states can achieve improved, long-term health outcomes. The compiled resources showcase effective state efforts to achieve health equity, improve care, and prioritize the SDoH.

health equity social determinants of health community health

Training & Educational

Health Resources and Services Administration, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CityMatCHHRSA Disclaimer

2021 Training Course in MCH EpidemiologyHRSA Disclaimer

July 15 to 30, 2021
Applications due: Monday, March 1, 2021

As part of their ongoing effort to enhance the analytic capacity of state and local health agencies, HRSA, CDC, and CityMatCH are offering this Training Course in MCH Epidemiology. It is an intensive program combining lectures, discussion, hands-on exercises, and opportunities for individualized technical assistance. Several post-training webinars will serve to build upon and extend the content that may include:

  • Needs assessment and prioritization
  • Specialized multivariable regression methods
  • Performance measurement and trend analysis
  • Program and policy evaluation
  • Quality improvement analysis and reporting
  • Effective data presentation and translation

epidemiology capacity-building

Maternal and Child Health Bureau

Division of Maternal and Child Health Workforce Development Student Internship

Fall Application deadline: Sunday, April 25, 2021

The DMCHWD Internship, based in the HRSA MCHB, is designed to educate, engage, and support future leaders in MCH. DMCHWD accepts applications from highly motivated graduate students in good standing at schools of public health or other health-related training programs in the United States.

internship workforce development

National MCH Workforce Development CenterHRSA Disclaimer

National MCH Workforce Development Center Cohort 2021HRSA Disclaimer

Application deadline: Monday, March 15, 2021

State/jurisdictional Title V agencies are invited to submit applications for this upcoming Cohort learning opportunity. Accepted teams will participate in a 7-month Cohort with other state/jurisdictional teams, during which time the Center will support the work on an existing (or planned) transformational challenge as a way to increase workforce skills and capacity. This learning opportunity provides guidance and structured support to move from the current state to the desired state on a chosen MCH health priority challenge.

workforce development networking collaboration

National Institute for Children’s Health QualityHRSA Disclaimer

Building on Campaigns with ConversationsHRSA Disclaimer

Online Modules

Safe infant sleep practices and breastfeeding go hand-in-hand. Breastfeeding reduces SIDS risk by improving a baby’s overall health and reducing potential stressors. Helping families make informed decisions about how to feed and sleep their babies ensures that they have the supports they need to follow through. Each module was created with extensive input from over 70 national organizations and is designed to help pull together approaches often used in promoting safe sleep and breastfeeding—approaches that are all part of caring for a new baby.

maternal health infant health safe sleep breastfeeding

National Perinatal AssociationHRSA Disclaimer, NICU Parent NetworkHRSA Disclaimer

Coping with COVID-19 for Perinatal and NICU ProvidersHRSA Disclaimer

Online Courses

Free continuing education credit is being awarded for “Trauma-Informed Care for Frontline Maternity and Pediatric/NICU Providers During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” a 1-hour online education program on providing trauma-informed care. Credits are available for nurses, physicians, social workers and marriage and family therapists. Others, including health care providers, community workers, and anyone working with birthing people and new parents, will receive completion certificates. “Giving Birth During the COVID-19 Pandemic” 2 other trainings were developed with funding from a grant from HRSA under the Maternal Telehealth Access ProjectHRSA Disclaimer of the CARES Act.

continuing education trauma-informed care COVID-19

Training & Educational – Webinars

Maternal and Child Health Bureau

EnRICH – Advancing Adolescent and Young Adult Health in the COVID-19 Pandemic: Responses and AdaptationsHRSA Disclaimer

Tuesday, February 23, 2021
3:00pm to 4:00pm ET

Multiple factors support adolescents and young adults (AYAs) as they navigate the transition to adulthood. The COVID-19 pandemic has engendered extended disruptions in these supportive factors—in areas such as education, social networks and health care. Collectively, these disruptions have also contributed to increased emotional health problems among AYAs. The AYA Health Research Network responded with innovative technology-driven projects that expand the reach of multiple sectors that aim to improve AYA health and well-being. These innovations can be adapted to address other challenges facing the MCH population. At the end of this webinar, attendees will:

  • Be familiar with the AYA Health Research Network and its responses and adaptations to the COVID-19 pandemic in research and the delivery of clinical care
  • Identify ways to utilize technology to advance equity and reach in systems and interventions that serve AYAs and the broader MCH population

webinar COVID adolescent health

Florida Rural Health AssociationHRSA Disclaimer

Approach to Daytime SleepinessHRSA Disclaimer

Tuesday, March 9, 2021
12:00pm ET

The ongoing TeleECHO Clinic Series—Interactive Sessions of the University of Florida Pediatric Pulmonary Project ECHO—consist of hour-long sessions starting at noon. The third clinic will focus on approaches to daytime sleepiness.

pediatric pulmonary early childhood sleep

Association of University Centers on DisabilitiesHRSA Disclaimer

AIR-P Presents: Using Autism Research to Impact Policy: Successes, Lessons, and ChallengesHRSA Disclaimer

Monday, March 15, 2021
4:00pm to 5:00pm ET

This webinar presents results and lessons learned from nearly a decade of autism research aimed at impacting policy to improve the lives of youth and adults on the autism spectrum. Presenters will outline the process and considerations necessary for creating effective information dissemination environments and partnerships, provide examples of useful tools for designing for dissemination, and guide a discussion of continued challenges.

autism life course research

CityMatCHHRSA Disclaimer

2020 CityMatCH Leadership and MCH Epidemiology ConferenceHRSA Disclaimer

Webinar Archive

The 2020 Virtual CityMatCH Conference engaged more than 800 professionals and students in the MCH field and focused on equity, leadership, and science in the context of 2 pandemics: racism and the coronavirus. The program and photo album from the conference as well as resources on anti-racism and COVID-19 are available.

health equity leadership education COVID-19

National Institutes of Health

National Advisory Child Health and Human Development Council – February 2021

Webinar Archive

The NACHHD Council provided updates to research and made recommendations on matters related to research support activities and functions of the Institute to the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development director during this February 2021 webinar.

early childhood child health research

State Health & Value StrategiesHRSA Disclaimer

Supporting CYSHCN During COVID-19

Webinar Archive

This December 2020 webinar addressed how states can support CYSHCN during COVID-19.

CYSHCN child health COVID-19